About Us
Steady Hands Co celebrates warmth and comfort, but we also believe in the power of throwing caution to the wind and pushing yourself to try new things.
We believe in taking care of yourself so that you can give back to others.
We believe in the small things that make a big difference.
Who We Are
If you’re looking to put a face to our name, this would be it. Laurel Grochowski is the hands (and the face and the brains) behind Steady Hands Co. She and the business are both based out of Vancouver, BC.
She started this little one-woman show when, after spending just over five years knitting for herself, the desire to turn a personal hobby into a way to connect with others finally wore her down. Knitting is something she enjoys not only as a creative outlet but for its meditative aspects as well; there’s something she finds calming about the repetitive action and the steady progress that comes with making something from scratch the old-fashioned way.
Right now she’d love to invite you to be involved in the messy process of starting to mix business and pleasure, but she hopes that in the future this website will grow into a place where you can not only commission custom work, but also find patterns, resources, and tips for your own creative journey.
Despite understanding the technical construction behind knitted garments, she has been known to be a firm believer that the act of knitting is magic:
“An unwound skein has the potential to be anything, all I have to do is wiggle a long piece of string around on two sticks thousands of times and I somehow end up with a scarf or a sweater or a pair of socks. I hope I never get over that feeling of wonder.”
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